Dads Episodes

Feb. 3, 2021

60 Creating a successful family vision & instilling values with Rober…

"Be happy and healthy, be respectful, responsible, resilient, and be kind.” Rob Glazer is an amazing serial entrepreneur, father of 3 teenagers, author of 5 very successful books, keynote speaker & one of the most distinguished disruptors to traditional workplace culture. Topics are setting fa…

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Jan. 27, 2021

59 THE Rory Sutherland on not losing your marbles as a dad of twins, …

🎙 DADicated #59 THE Rory Sutherland on not losing your marbles as a dad of twins, establishing trust and the fathers-daughter-bond “I think we make the business of parenting disproportionally difficult - if we assume that everything is within our control.” Rory Sutherland on Ror…

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Jan. 20, 2021

58 Dr. John Rosemond - Renegade Parent Psychologist on Marriage Centr…

🎙 DADicated #58 Dr. John Rosemond - Renegade Parent Psychologist on Marriage Centred Parenting & Authority “The best advice I can give myself as a dad is to be a good husband.” Dr. John Rosemond on DADicateddotcom Hands down, maybe the best session yet! I was truly intrigued by the things th…

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Jan. 13, 2021

57 Next-level serial entrepreneur, coach & autism dad with Michael Ca…

“Saying the right thing during a coachable moment to your children that builds their self-confidence can be the biggest difference-maker and change the trajectory of their whole life forever.” Michael Caito on M...

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Nov. 18, 2020

50 Hao Lam: Street Kid, Refugee, Leading Education Entrepreneur & Dad

🎙️ DADicateddotcom #46 Hao Lam: Street Kid, Refugee, Leading Education Entrepreneur & Dad Hao Lam is a refugee from Vietnam, now living in Seattle. He has been married to his wife Lisa, for 27 years and they have 2 sons (23 & 20). His dad was held as a prisoner of war in 1975. Hao spent 12 ye…

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Nov. 14, 2020

#49 Don Britton sold his company to become a better Dad

“The best advice I can give myself as a dad is finding as many different reference points to emulate becoming a better dad.” Don Britton on Do…

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Nov. 6, 2020

44 Mark X Cronin on his son’s Down Syndrome & Spreading Happiness

“Stay humble and accept the humility that comes as a parent.” Mark Cronin, on DADicateddotcom Mark has 3 sons, one of which has Down Syndrome. Mark opens up about what it has been like raising a child with Down Syndrome and allows us a beautiful insight into his family; how he’s encouraged hi…

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Oct. 29, 2020

43 Truly staying connected & living purposefully with Jeff Neufeld

Jeff is an amazing man & father of three from Canada. Previously professional concert pianist gone CEO & entrepreneur he understands the impact of clarity, choices and putting in the work - consistently. Jeff shares his journey, why he stopped alcohol & the power of sleep. We discuss balancing life…

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Oct. 19, 2020

42 Craig Rodney on Single-Dad-Hacks

“I am 100% responsible for how I choose to walk through the door at the end of a day and parent my kids.” Craig Rodney, on Craig Rodney sold his agency and committed himself to being a full-time dad. He’s the primary parent to his boys (4 & 6), a situation which challenges the pare…

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Oct. 5, 2020

41 Bruno Monteferri: Big Wave Surfer & Changemaker Dad

“Do not take anything for granted and you will change the way that you live every day of your life.” Bruno Monteferri on Bruno Monteferri (37) is from Peru, an Ashoka Fellow and has an MPhil in Conservation Leadership, He is married to Christel and they have a 2 year old daughter.…

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Sept. 3, 2020

True masculinity & authentic fathering with Craig Wilkinson aka the “…

“My best advice to myself as a dad is to realise how valuable I am to my children and how much my presence is needed in their lives and just be present and engaged.” Craig Wilkinson on Craig Wilkinson from South...

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Aug. 27, 2020

37 Perspectives of an outlier dad. Arel Moodie’s journey from welfare…

Arel Moodie is a Jewish person of colour (white mom and a black dad) who grew up in the projects in New York witnessing gang violence and fatherlessness all around him. Arel has built a million-dollar company and made Inc. Ma...

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Aug. 17, 2020

36 A Christian “Arab Dad’s” perspective with Dr. Suhail Jouaneh from …

“By profession I am a dental surgeon by profession I am a mental surgeon.” Suhail Jouaneh on Dr. Suhail Jouaneh is a leader, coach and businessman from Amman in Jordan. He is a business facilitator and executive...

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Aug. 10, 2020

35 Rich Mulholland on becoming a dad after divorce, winning the stepm…

“How is the most important job the one we have the least information for?” Richard Mulholland on Richard Mulholland, an amazing entrepreneur, storyteller, insanely creative and of course a very interesting Dad. ...

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July 29, 2020

34 Rorke Denver: Dad of two, U.S. Navy SEALs Officer & Trainer, assau…

“The fact that my daughters have learned how to shoot a gun, make a fire and play rough has helped them become resilient, self-reliant people.” Rorke Denver on Commander Rorke Denver is a highly decorated assault team leader with over 200 combat missions as a NAVY Seal and has run…

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