Daniel DeFabio is married and a father of two boys, Alex and Lucas. Sadly Lucas quite recently passed away at the age of 11.5 due to Menkes Syndrome, a rare disease he had been diagnosed with at the age of 1.
Throughout his career, Daniel has looked at the landscape for what there is not, asked why not, and then asked if he could create what was missing. His passion and optimism have allowed me to recruit the best collaborators to my teams.
These “aha moments” have led Daniel to create (or co-create) the first animated series on the internet, an award-winning online social game, an internet browser safe for pre-reader kids, viral campaigns and online communities for star warriors William Shatner and Mark Hamill, two film festivals, and a TV channel dedicated to 7,000 rare diseases.
Whether as a marketer, storyteller, or advocate his end-product tends to be the same: increased awareness that inspires action. Wrapping new awareness up in compelling, entertaining stories isn't just a bonus it's a strategy.