Dr Robert Brooks

Dr Robert Brooks Profile Photo

Dr. Robert Brooks has been married for 57 years, has two sons and is a grandfather of four.

He is a clinical psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and former Director of the Department at McLean Hospital, a private psychiatric hospital. He has lectured nationally and internationally and written extensively about resilience, kids, parenting, family, relationship & school.

He is the author or co-author of 19 books on the topic and has received numerous awards for his work, most recently the Mental Health Humanitarian Award from William James College for his contributions as a clinician, educator, and author.

Jan. 24, 2022

61 Dr. Robert Brooks on Resilience in Children

“The best advice I would give myself as a dad is to accept my children for who they are and reinforce their passions and islands of competence.” Dr. Robert Brooks has been married for 57 years, has two sons and is a grandfath...