Rorke Denver

Rorke Denver Profile Photo

Commander Rorke Denver has run every phase of training for the U.S. Navy SEALs and led special-forces missions in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and other international hot spots.

He starred in the hit film Act of Valor, which is based on true SEAL adventures. His first book, the New York Times Bestseller: Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior, takes you inside his personal story and the fascinating, demanding SEAL training program. His second book Worth Dying For speaks to leadership, service and the future of our nation. He stared in Season One of the FOX TV show “American Grit”.

In 2006, Denver was the officer in charge of BRAVO Platoon of SEAL Team THREE in Iraq’s Al Anbar Province in one of the most combat-heavy deployments of any regular SEAL team since Vietnam. He was an assault team leader for over 200+ combat missions. Denver was awarded the Bronze Star with “V” for valorous action in combat.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Syracuse University, where he was an All-American lacrosse player and captain of the varsity lacrosse team. He earned a Master’s Degree in Global Business Leadership from the University of San Diego. He is the founder and CEO of EVER ONWARD, a leadership and human performance brand.

July 29, 2020

34 Rorke Denver: Dad of two, U.S. Navy SEALs Officer & Trainer, assault team leader with 200+ combat missions

“The fact that my daughters have learned how to shoot a gun, make a fire and play rough has helped them become resilient, self-reliant people.” Rorke Denver on Commander Rorke Denver is a highly decorated assault team leader with over 200 combat missions as a NAVY Seal and has run…
Guest: Rorke Denver